
Hester van Delden

Parelduiken is het tekst- en beeldbureau van Hester van Delden

English summery
Hester van Delden is a freelance cultural heritage specialist, (travel) writer and photographer with a focus on Sustainable Slow Travel, cultural heritage, nature and outdoor activities, food and wine. She is the author and photographer of travel guides and articles on various topics in different kinds of magazines and she has travelled in more than 50 countries on 5 continents.
Parelduiken means ‘pearl diving’. Hester: “I’m always looking for hidden gems that excel in sustainable tourism, unique experiences, regional products and hospitality. I work together with tourist boards and companies that are committed to supporting the local community, protecting nature and preserving the cultural heritage. My goal is to seek out compelling travel tales, while highlighting the local citizens that make these experiences possible.”

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